Friday, March 7, 2014

Ready, Set, Go!

In the past couple weeks we have been going full steam ahead on our show! We've begun the process of selecting the poems we will use in the show, as well as continuing to fund-raise, promote, and design.  Great things are happening, and we are thrilled to be producing what we believe will be an inspiring and innovative revival of poetry.

So far, we have selected one poem for our show.  We decided it was important to include at least one poem from a local author, so Mr. McCurry read several poems from local Kentucky authors and, as a class, we voted to decide which one made the cut. 

This is an important step for us and we are continuing to carefully select poems we believe will work best in the show to achieve our purpose.  An additional way we are carrying out this vital task is with an anthology assignment.  Mr. McCurry has assigned a 400-600 word anthology for eight poems we think would do our show justice.  When the project is due next week, we will pool together every student's eight selected poems and begin the process of choosing the rest of our show's poems to be performed.

We have been experimenting and discussing several themes and different routes we can go with this show.  The possibilities are limitless, and there's so much we can achieve with this performance.  Being involved with the community in itself is an important obligation we have as students, but uniting the public with literature and shedding light on a subject that most people shy away from, to prove that poetry ins't all old and boring, is even more important.

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